Conference Deans
In all that follows it is first to be understood that the Dean is a part of the Office of the Bishop.
I. Representative of the Bishop
As a part of the office of the Bishop, the Dean will represent the synod at special
congregational events, including, but not limited to:
1) Installation of new pastor
a) The Dean will care for the Order of this Service of Word and Sacrament.
b) As the pastor is to be a pastor for the whole church, we encourage an afternoon installation service that would allow for other clergy and
congregations to be present.
c) The Dean shall preach or arrange for the preacher for this service.
2) Special services at a conference level
3) Funerals of a pastor/spouse/family
4) Groundbreakings
5) Dedications
6) Times for consultation or mediation in the life of a congregation
II. Personal Relationships with Professional Leaders
The Dean will be expected to:
1) Contact and support all new pastors and Associates in Ministry in the Conference.
2) Encourage all pastors within the conference to gather regularly for support, study
and fellowship.
3) Act as a confidant to pastors and provide pastoral care in consultation with the
Bishop, maintaining confidentiality in all such relationships.
4) Provide continuing care to those pastors On Leave From Call.
III. Call Process/Vacancy Situations
The Dean will be expected to assist the Bishop with vacancy counseling and be involved
in the call process in the following ways:
1) If requested by the Bishop, meet with the Congregation Council and/or Call
Committee. (This process is normally carried out by the Bishop’s staff.)
2) Send a letter of welcome to the newly called pastor.
3) Be informed when a congregational meeting has been called to elect a pastor and
when a call has been accepted. (The synod office will notify the Dean when these
events occur.)
4) When a resignation occurs, act as a signatory in the certification process
associated with review of the parish records.
5) Tutor newly ordained parish pastors in the proper procedure for parish
6) Conduct an Exit Interview with the resigning pastor and the congregational