Virginia Synod Stewardship
We are called as stewards of word and sacrament, of earth and sea and all of God's creatures. We are entrusted with -- and responsible for -- their care. This page provides links to various resources to help congregational leaders throughout the Virginia Synod to better teach and practice responsible stewardship of God's resources. This includes financial stewardship. As disciples and ambassadors for the risen Christ, God makes His appeal through us. God's work; our hands.
The Virginia Synod Stewardship Support Team is a resource provided through the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. To contact us, simply e-mail us!
We can help guide your leadership through developing an effective program of discipleship and stewardship for your parish. Various symposia on these topics will be held at various locations throughout the Synod each year; these will be announced by twitter and by e-mail and posted on this page. One of our stewardship support specialists can help mentor your stewardship team and help you custom tailor a program to best meet your needs.
Follow us on Twitter! @VaStewards or
A compendium of stewardship resources:
ELCA Stewardship
Stewardship of Life Institute at Lutheran Theological Seminary Gettysburg
Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations
Walk with Jesus -- An example of a simple stewardship program (all resources available for you electronically)
Stewardship Sermon video by Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church
Simply Giving -- A means to set up Electronic Fund Transfers in cooperation with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Team 2017 -- Virginia Synod's coordinated effort to provide sustainable support for God's people in need of relief from malarial disease, hunger, and disaster.
The beehive image below is from a medieval handbook on wellness popular in Europe at the time of the Reformation. It represents our journey together as a synod. Each hive is a congregation, with the flurry of activity and interaction between our lives throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. The bees are we who are claimed, gathered, and sent for the sake of the world. Blessed that we might be a blessing to others!
To the right of the bees is our twitter feed -- that's a 500 year span in communications technology for us Lutherans! We today are still stewards of the same word and sacrament, stewards of the same earth and sea and creatures. Blessed with resources that we might be a blessing to others!